More recent critics of the Anti-Trust Act point to as many as five merger waves, the first beginning in the late19th century. 《反托拉斯法》更近期的批评人士提到多达五次的兼并浪潮,第一波始于19世纪末期。
Has the Anti-Trust Act made a difference in the United States over the past century? 《反托拉斯法》一个世纪以来是否对美国产生影响?
The Anti-Trust Act was a resounding success, or so it seemed. 《反托拉斯法》获得巨大成功,至少看似如此。
In the United States, the Anti-Trust Act has both enunciated and strengthened an enduring commitment to opening markets to new technologies and new groups. 在美国,《反托拉斯法》既表明也加强了对向新技术和新公司开放市场的持久承诺。
They are such as the anti-trust laws, the monopolies and restrictive Practices ( Inquiry and Control) act, the companies acts. 主要包括:反托拉斯法、收购及兼并准则、公司法等。
However, the main aim and analysis ways of traditional anti-trust act are about traditional trade and business fields, there have many problems in the amalgamation of hospitals. 但是,由于反垄断法的主要目的和分析方法是用来针对传统的商业和贸易领域,而医疗机构并不是纯粹的商业机构,因此反垄断法在控制医院合并时产生了种种新问题。
Practical analysis of hospital amalgamation in U.S Anti-trust Act 美国反垄断法对医院合并的适用分析